Sonatype freeing projects from's Maven repo

Are you working on a project which uses’s Maven repository for deploying its artifacts?
Well, if so, there’s a great opportunity opening up for you to get off that problematic repository: Sonatype is helping projects move to Sonatype’s hosted OSS Nexus repository, starting March 5th. We’re looking into moving Hudson over but for most smaller projects, this should be a no-brainer. Problems with the Maven repository are legendary and Sonatype’s OSS Nexus repository is a great alternative.
Take a look and see if this can work for you.
Editor’s Note: Andrew Bayer (abayer
) has been a contributor to Hudson since early 2009, contributing to the ClearCase plugin, Hudson’s core and a small number of other plugins. Andrew also helps Kohsuke with a lot of Hudson’s project infrastructure, most notably the migration from Bugzilla on to JIRA running at