Blue Ocean Dev Log: March Week #2

We’re counting down the weeks until Blue Ocean 1.0. This week was one of continuing consolidation and polish. We also released b25 (beta #25), a collectors edition. The next version we will likely release will be a release candidate (RC). The b25 release however contained a number of fixes and features, such as branch filtering.

Some other updates of note from this past week:
Updated a bunch of dependencies around Pipeline and fixed a whole lot of long standing bugs.
Some work went on to make acceptance tests run on varied browsers via Sauce Labs thanks to @halkeye!
The Blue Ocean Pipeline Editor had its Save to SCM/GitHub functionality merged to master branch. It won’t be released to the Update Center until the next Blue Ocean release, there are a few more things to iron out.
As the Blue Ocean Pipeline Editor is now considered to be part of Blue Ocean now, more people are kicking the tires, and starting to contribute fixes to improve it!
The swishy "Blue Ocean" logo is gone, Jenkins branding is back (mixed feelings!)
Fixes for concurrent users of input
Fixes for handling errors around favoriting of Pipelines and more.
Speeding up creation of Multibranch Pipelines via the new "Creation" flow.
And of course, a nice pretty screenshot of editing and saving a Multibranch Pipeline with the Blue Ocean Pipeline Editor:

Up next for the Blue Ocean project:
More consolidation and polish.
A first release candidate out the door (!)
New, sleeker, favorite card design, possibly a table design too.
Also note that there are changelogs maintained and visible on the Blue Ocean plugin page.
If you’re interested in helping to make Blue Ocean a great user experience for Jenkins, please join the Blue Ocean development team on link:!