Official Jenkins image to use from Docker Hub

There are now three different Docker Hub repositories that are or have been used as the "official" Jenkins image. This article aims at providing a clarification about which one is the current official one (as of December 2018 :-)).
The official one
docker pull jenkins/jenkins
i.e. is the right repository to use.
I also documented some time ago on my blog the recommended way to run Jenkins using the official Docker image.
The deprecated ones
Deprecated since a long time already. A short version of why we stopped using and updating this image is that we never had a way to get our images published without having each time to go through a manual process.
Deprecated since a long time too, but for easing transition, we had kept updating both
(the right one) andjenkinsci/jenkins
together. We stopped updatingjenkinsci/jenkins
in early December 2018 (cf. INFRA-1934 for details if you are interested)
Thanks for reading!